
If you like the project and find our work useful, please consider donating – your generous contributions help pay for the servers.


Bitcoin is a secure and anonymous digital currency. Bitcoins cannot be easily tracked back to you, and are safer and faster alternative to other donation methods. You can send BTC to the following address:

Bitcoin address QR code bc1qpaz8lv2dvcqf92cludnv4ggj33gf2rxf87c9sm


Monero is an open-source cryptocurrency that focuses on privacy, decentralisation and scalability.

Bitcoin address QR code 44baMEt7cD8NzTKbZVS3D6QdEsrzu7zjAc4oY9PgiomDWRf8PU2RqS7c2XTLec36dScjQbZi1mBDGABCkC9J6DBGQCzwgi5